About the programme

The 6th session of the Legislative Council has ended on July 18. In order to let the public review the performance and level of concern of the Legislative Council on environmental affairs in the past four years (2016-2020), and encourage them to monitor the upcoming new members from elections in the future, Friends of the Earth (HK) launched a research project "How "Green" is Legco?". The campaign will be carried out in two phases. During the first phase, we will consolidate all the meeting reports of environmental-related affairs in Legislative Council 2016-2020, the voting record of members and the attendance record (on environmental motions). The second stage will be focusing on collecting the opinions of the 2021 Legislative Council candidates on environmental protection and sustainable development via survey. With this programme, we hope to invite the public to monitor the members of the Legco with us and give pressure on members of the new session on raising their environmental responsibilities.

Phase 1: Review on Environmental Affairs of Legco 2016-2020

Phase 2: 2021 Hong Kong Legislative Election

153 candidates are contesting 90 seats across the geographical, functional, and Election Committee constituencies for the 7th Legislative Council of Hong Kong.

Friends of the Earth (HK) surveyed the candidates via email to better understand their stance on climate change, low-carbon transport, circular economy, and green finance. Read more...

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