Address the source of food waste |
FoE (HK) believes that the key to solving the food waste problem is to address it at the source. |
To make a convincing case for this approach, we need to show pragmatists like Hong Kong people the cost of cutting waste is much lower than that of treating waste. In order to set up waste treatment facilities, the government would have to spend 26.5 billion HKD in the first place. It would cost 770 HKD more to burn every single tonne of waste. In contrast, the cost of reducing one tonne of waste is only about 150 HKD. In case of this, Hong Kong people should be able to make the right choice. |
Target industrial and commercial food waste |
FoE (HK)'s campaign targets industrial and commercial food waste, due to the fact that its rising trend is worrisome. We believe there is a lot to do to cut industrial and commercial food waste before it becomes a bigger burden on society. |
Friends of the Earth (HK) proposed "Order less waste less, more blessings" for Spring Receptions and Banquets in 2010-2011, inviting participation from companies and married couples. Participating parties are encouraged to cut main courses to be served at banquets from eight to six. Also, guests are encouraged to bring their own box and take away leftover food. |