Roundtable on ESG Performance with Asian Utilities Companies

Electric utilities are an important nexus for cleaner energy across transport, real estate and industry more broadly. With electricity demand predicted to increase by nearly 80% by 2050, decarbonisation of electric utilities is thus critical for enabling change within and beyond the sector and powering the transition to a low-carbon economy. How do the utilities companies in Asia region perform in the low-carbon transition? As an investor, how can you compare and analyse its low carbon transition strategies and impacts from the ESG report? 

Co-hosted by Friends of the Earth (HK) and World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA), we invite you to join the upcoming "Virtual Roundtable with Asia Utilities Companies" in February 9, 2021. You may understand more on the performance of the Asian electric utilities companies in low-carbon transition by joining this event. The roundtable will cover the following objectives: 
  • Emphasize and evidence corporate performance and impact in the low-carbon transition 
  • A dialogue with Electric Utilities companies on the state of alignment of their strategies and operations with the low-carbon transition 
  • Understanding on how data on company ESG performance can support key public sector and market players 

Event details 

9 February 2021 (Tuesday) 
17:00 - 18:30 HKT / SGT 
10:00 - 11:30 CET 
Language: English
Venue: Zoom
Participants:   Suitable for buy side or sell side analysts, Sales / Product Specialists, ESG team, board members of the Asian utilities sector 

Contact us at or (+852) 3184 1510 to learn more. 

Click the poster below to REGISTER NOW!

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