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Friends of the Earth (HK)
e-Newsletter Issue August 2017
Joint Statement from Green Groups: Static Renewable Energy Market Demands a Favorable Feed-in tariff Policy with Implementation Details
Together with 5 green groups, FoE(HK) signed a
joint statement which not only welcomed the new Feed-in Tariff (FiT) and Renewable Energy Certificate initiatives in the new Scheme of Control Agreement, but also suggested the following commitments for a more successful implementation. The Government and the two power companies must ensure:
1. The FiT rate is attractive which should be reviewed and adjusted annually;
2. FiT should
be offered to all renewable energy systems;
3. Details (review schedule, payback period, etc.) should be provided prior to implementation;
4. The public understands the objectives, direction, and impact of FiT through open access to the methodology behind of the scheme.
Dr. Jeffrey Hung, Research, Development & Strategy Manager was
interviewed by RTHK to explain our policy advocacy on renewable energy.
Corporate Social Responsibility Forum cum Award Presentation Ceremony for COOL Corporate Membership Scheme 2016/17
Corporate Social Responsibility Forum cum Award Presentation Ceremony for COOL Corporate Membership Scheme 2016/17 was held successfully. Dr. Vivian Wong, Chairperson of FoE(HK) expressed our aspiration to all audience during the opening remarks. Mr. Lai Hon Chung, the Deputy Director/Regulatory Services from Electrical & Mechanical Services Department was the officiating guest of the event. They presented the awards to the COOL Corporate members with outstanding performance in our
We are pleased to have 5 honorable speakers to share their views and opinions about the issues of corporate social responsibility. They are Professor Daniel Cheng, the Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries; Professor Richard Wong from University of Hong Kong; Professor Carlos Lo from Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Dr. Amie Lai, Sustainable Development Manager from Swire Properties Limited; and Ms. Shirley Lui, Manager of ESG Reporting Service from Ascent Partners
Group Limited. Speakers shared their works and projects in different CSR aspects. The CSR’s role in the future society was explored. The forum inspired the audience on the commitment to participate in CSR activities and brought a profound insight for company to develop the CSR strategy.
Green Tour x Food No Waste
“Green Tour x Food No Waste” activity, organised by Hong Kong Housing Authority and co-organised by FoE (HK), was successfully held. A guided tour was provided for residents to understand more about the development of community and environmental facilities in Wan Chai. They collected and cooked the unsold food in Wan Chai Market.
The last round of Green Tour will be held in August. Please access our Facebook page to get the updates.
Green Delight in Estates – Food Cherish Fun Day
Food Cherish Fun Day - the flagship event of “Green Delight in Estate” had been successfully held in Hing Wah (1) Estate, Hing Wah (2) Estate and Tsui Lok Estate. To raise resident’s awareness of waste reduction and green lifestyle, workshops, games and Chinese medicine booth were set up.
Annual General Meeting
FoE (HK) Charity Ltd. held its 30th Annual General Meeting on 29 July 2017. Dr. Vivian Taam Wong, Chairperson of FoE (HK), delivered her welcoming address, saying our most significant achievement in 2016 was in persuading the Government to target absolute carbon reduction instead of carbon intensity which is linked with the GDP. The target of carbon reduction by 26-36% by 2030 is still a long way from the target of 80% by 2050 we advocated, in line with most major cities around the world.
However, it is a great step forward for Hong Kong. Let’s join hands to make Hong Kong a better place through sustainable actions – LOHAS 10 Do’s.
Annual Report
To summarise the major environmental protection works of FoE (HK) in the past year, the “Friends of the Earth (HK) Annual Report 2016” has been released. Welcome your visit to our website to get this annual report for more information.
“Building Biodiverse and Healthy Urban Spaces” seminar
The Earth Academy (TEA) was delighted to join the seminar 2-“Building Biodiverse and Healthy Urban Spaces” Seminar Series on “Urban Green Infrastructure-enhancing ecosystem services and biodiversity” that was held by Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Thei). It was a great honour to meet 5 speakers who are from different fields and they have different points of view on this issue. One of them was Professor Jim Chi Yung from University of Hong Kong, as known as
“Professor Tree”. We could have a better understanding of this issue with varies perspectives.
The Earth Academy (TEA) Summer Internship Orientation Sharing Session 2017
The Earth Academy (TEA) held the “Summer Internship Orientation Sharing Session 2017”, more than 20 interns from different institutes shared their opinions and the progress of their researches and projects. Their researches and projects covered various environmental issues, such as WEEE and green campus living. Besides, we were honored to invite the mentors to join this orientation. They could exchange their ideas on environmental issues with each others, it could benefit to all the
RTHK Radio 5: Colourful Journey-Green Lifestyle
FoE (HK) and RTHK Radio 5 Program “Colourful Journey” are going to extend from the last episode to discuss the idea of sharing economy continuously through four perspectives, including clothing, eating habits, living and transportation. Hopefully our audience can get the all-rounded information of sharing economy.
Broadcast Date: 11 August 2017 (Every second Friday of the month)
Broadcast time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Channel: RTHK Radio 5
In this episode, Dr. Vivian Wong, our chairperson and the host Vivienne Siu are going to share the environmental issues which are most down-to-earth.
Volunteer Recruitment
FoE (HK) welcomes people from all walks of life to join us as volunteers.
We are now recruiting office volunteers to assist our clerical work including data entry, letter mailing and information arrangement.
Interested parties, please email us at volunteer@foe.org.hk.
If you have any question or comment, please write to join@foe.org.hk
Tel: (852) 2528-5588 Fax: (852) 2529-2777 Friends of the Earth (HK) www.foe.org.hk
Copyright Friends of the Earth (HK). All rights reserved.
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