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Friends of the Earth (HK)
e-Newsletter Issue July 2017
Submission to the Legislative Council Meeting for the Promotion of Municipal Solid Waste Charging
Mr. Chancy Chan, representing FoE(HK) proposed the following four recommendations to the Panel on Environmental Affairs of Legislative Council on municipal solid waste charging:
1.) Promote “Zero Waste” in the 18 Districts
Material recovery facilities should be developed in the 18 districts to sort recyclables.
2.) Support the Local Recycling Industry
Land should be leased for a longer period at a discounted rate to local recyclers. Income from the MSW
charging scheme should be specifically used to support the development of local recycling industry.
3.) Green Procurement
EPD’s green procurement guideline should be regularly updated to ensure its practicality.
4.) Report and Reward System
A whistleblower system should be set up to enhance enforcement on illegal dumping.
To view the meeting agenda, please
click here.
To view the video of the meeting (Cantonese only), please
click here.
‘Save Our Country Park’ Hiking at Tai Lam to ‘Save Our Country Park’
The government has appointed the Housing Society to explore the feasibility of building public housing estates on the fringes of two country parks. We do believe the catchphrase "One inch loss, One Country Park Loss" to be true. The fringes of country parks serve as an important buffer in protecting areas in with high ecological value. Approximately 1,000 ha of brownfields in Hong Kong is are more than sufficient to cover the projected housing needs in the long term. FoE (HK) recommends the
Government to protect Hong Kong’s natural legacy and to embrace a brownfield first approach in its planning policy. Around 300 people including LegCo members joined the walk at Tai Lam Country Park, which was co-organized by FoE (HK) and other green groups to demonstrate our determination in protecting country parks.
Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2017
FoE(HK) encourages corporate social responsibility which contributes to the health and environment of the society. On 15 June, Dr. Vivian Wong, chairperson of FoE (HK) was invited to be the award presenter at the “Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2017” organized by Capital Magazine, which recognizes and honors enterprises for implementing environmental factors and social commitments into their business strategies.
Eat Smartly Award Scheme 2017
The “Eat Smartly Award Scheme 2017” organized by Hong Kong Housing Authority and co-organized by FoE (HK) came to a successful close in Mid June. Residents showed enthusiastic support throughout the scheme. Thanks for generous support, vacuum insulated bottles and food jars were given so as to encourage residents to adopt a green living style. We hope that residents could “Eat Smartly” in a sustainable manner and become true green ambassadors!
No Plastic Bottle Day
FoE (HK) is a supporting organization of “No Plastic Bottle Day” organized by the Chinese YMCA Environmental Working Group. Citizens are encouraged to stop buying plastic bottled drinks, but carry their own bottles habitually in their daily life. A certificate of appreciation was given to FoE (HK) at the kick-off ceremony on 1 June.
Hong Kong Green Building Week 2017 – Green Ambassador Pitch
The Green Ambassador Pitch, supported by FoE (HK) - The Earth Academy (TEA), was successfully held on 7 June. Ying Wa Girls’ School was awarded the Best Presentation Award. Co-organized by the Construction Industry Council and the Hong Kong Green Building Council, the competition aimed to get students involved in combating climate change. Our board governor, also renowned as the green architect awarded by “Ten Outstanding Young Persons 2016”, Mr. Tony Ip, was invited as one of the mentors and
judges. Committed to incubate green human capital, TEA will continue its work, focusing on young minds incubation and climate change.
AIESEC (HK) - Youth to Sustainability Summit 2017
The “Youth to Sustainability Summit 2017”, under the full support from The Earth Academy (TEA) of FoE (HK) was successfully held on 17 June. Organized by AIESEC (HK), the Summit gathered over 500 youths and received many proposals of sustainable development in Hong Kong. We would like to thank AIESEC (HK) for their warm hospitality and support to vegetarianism and BYOB (Bring your own Bottle) in the Networking Lunch. TEA was delighted to exchange green views and shared job hunting experience
with groups of energetic young minds. Let’s join hands together with TEA to establish the low carbon lifestyle!
The 30th Annual General Meeting
The 30th Annual General Meeting of FoE (HK) will be held on 29 July 2017. All members are welcome to attend. Only Life Members have the right to nominate a new board member and vote in the AGM. If you are a Life Member and unable to attend the AGM, you are entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on your behalf.
The 30th AGM
Date: 29 July 2017 (Saturday)
Time: 5:00-6:00 pm
Venue: Unit 1301-1302, 13/F, Block A, Sea View Estate, 2 Watson Road, North Point.
enquires and seat reservation, please email to
RTHK Radio 5: Colourful Journey-Green Lifestyle
Sharing platforms like ridesharing app allow spare resources to be shared. However, a series of negative reports have put Sharing Economy at risk. The 3rd Episode “Colourful Journey – Green Lifestyle” produced by RTHK Radio 5 and FoE (HK) will talk about the green opportunities and threats brought by sharing economy.
Broadcast Date: 14 July 2017 (Every second Friday of the month)
Broadcast time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Channel: RTHK Radio 5
Volunteer Recruitment
FoE (HK) welcomes people from all walks of life to join us as volunteers.
We are now recruiting office volunteers to assist our clerical work including data entry, letter mailing and information arrangement.
Interested parties, please email us at volunteer@foe.org.hk.
If you have any question or comment, please write to join@foe.org.hk
Tel: (852) 2528-5588 Fax: (852) 2529-2777 Friends of the Earth (HK) www.foe.org.hk
Copyright Friends of the Earth (HK). All rights reserved.
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