Newsletter Feb 2016




Electronic Road Pricing (ERP)

Traffic congestion is worsening, with the number of vehicles increasing over the years. It affects the livability, connectivity, economy and air quality of Hong Kong. The government has recently launched a public consultation on “Electronic Road Pricing Pilot Scheme in Central and its Adjacent Areas”, to formulate a practicable pilot scheme of ERP to control the problem of traffic congestion and air pollution. Singapore, London and Gothenburg have implemented ERP successfully. Public consultation on the ERP report ends on 18 March. Please click here for the consultation document.



Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP)

China became a signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1993, and it was extended to Hong Kong in 2011. The main focuses of BSAP are to improve and enhance existing conservation measures; incorporate biodiversity into planning and decision-making to achieve sustainable development; conduct biodiversity surveys and studies to fill knowledge gap; and to involve the community in creating awareness and knowledge base among stakeholders. Public consultation on the BSAP report ends on 7 April. Please click here for the consultation document.




Women in Finance Asia

On 7-11 March, FoE(HK) will co-organize with Women in Finance Asia to hold a recycling program named “Suit for Success”, with the aim of donating professional clothing to young adults in need. You can support us by sending your professional clothing to the collection points in PURE YOGA and PURE FITNESS or becoming our volunteer at this event.

Click here for more details.




We are delighted to announce the “Earth Partner” will be revamped and rebranded as “COOL Corporate”. “COOL Corporate” is an environmental program for corporate, with the aim of advocating sustainable business policies and practices. A briefing session will be arranged on 9 March to provide more details on the “COOL Corporate” programme, including its purpose, award scheme, benefits and privileges.

Click here for registration.


RegistrationProgram RundownVenue Map

Water Forum 2016

On 22 March, FoE(HK) will collaborate with Water Supplies Department and CHUK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia to hold Water Forum 2016 in Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK.

We have invited speakers from China National Research Institute, local and overseas universities, and NGO representatives to share their knowledge and experience, under the key theme of “Water Security: From Dongjiang to Sponge City”. Their speeches will cover high level national water policies, current status of Dongjiang, and water source protection in the region.

Click here for registration



Organic Day 2016

“Organic Day” is an annual event organized by Hong Kong Organic Resources Centre. Over 100 stalls of organic product retailers, eco-themed workshops will gathered in the event to promote eco-living as daily practice to the general public.

As a participating organization, FoE(HK) will have a charity sale to raise donation to support our environmental work. More importantly, we will promote our COOL Ambassador program to resonate the event’s theme and to raise public awareness about green living.

Please come and support us!
Date: 20 March (Sunday)
Time: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Venue: Charter Garden, Charter Rd, Central
Remarks: Free Admission


Have Fun in Second-Hand Goods Barter Market!

Green Delight in Estates: Second-Hand Goods Barter Markets have already been organized in 5 public estates. Over 3000 second-hand goods have been collected and 1500 goods have found their new owners. Let come and have fun with us in the coming markets!

Click here to check the updated schedule.



NGC Earth Day Run 2016

The first-ever NGC Earth Day Run in Hong Kong is now opened for registration. FoE(HK) has been selected as the sole beneficiary of this event. All donation raised will go directly to support our work in protecting the environment.
Let’s run for the Earth!

Date: 17 April (Sunday)
Venue: Pak Shek Kok Promenade, Hong Kong Science Park
Registration Deadline: 31 March (Spaces are limited)

Click here for registration.






If you have any question or comment, please write to
Tel: (852) 2528-5588    Fax: (852) 2529-2777    Friends of the Earth (HK)
Copyright Friends of the Earth (HK). All rights reserved.