





Become a COOL
Ambassador now!

To enhance
awareness and knowledge about the importance of COOLiving and
change attitude and environmental practice, as well as to advance
the public education of FoE (HK)’s flagship programme – Trees.COOLiving, we have launched COOL Ambassador Reward Scheme. By evaluating the contribution by the participants
on the environment and FoE (HK) with a scoring system, the
participants may get rewarded. For details of the Scheme, please
visit (TBC).









Floral tribute to

From 26 August to
24 September, three special floral bouquet varieties will be sold
at BLITZ (Lane Crawford Tsim Sha Tsui), representing friendship,
happiness and love. For each bouquet purchased, HK$100 will be
donated to FoE (HK) for planting a tree at the headstream of the
Dongjiang River.










Say NO to O Camp

Join Green!
O Camp on or before 14
September and pledge to implement green elements in your
orientation camp. You may even design your own green camp to win
a $3,000 subsidy! Over 30 local orientation camps have joined
Green! O Camp. You are also welcome to participate in this
meaningful activity. Let’s say NO to O Camp wastage together!



